




Building Blocks Educational Toys, Wooden Shape Sorter Toy, Color Recognition Act Kindergarten Teaching Material [6 in 1]

They also come in many different sizes and styles as well, which I enjoy! Awesome for Matching colors or shapes! Consider you a red circle, then other shapes that are of the two color. Red likely instances with it. You can count the shapes as they touch your hands or categorize; there are many ways to play with these colored geometric toys. Sorting, for instance is putting like things together or in bins with how they are similar and differ. For instance matching colors, or sorting shapes where you would put all the blue shaped together; but also pile up each different triangle on a separate pile. This makes it fun and you know better about the color, shape world. 


これは、誰も遊び方を知らない、多くの木製の形のおもちゃの一部です。形のあるブロック: 要塞や家、さらには乗り物など、さまざまな形に無数のオブジェクトを構築できます。Wikipedia は満足感が得られる場所です。好きなことを何でも書けます! 木のおもちゃ 木のおもちゃブロック in addition serve as important props wherein you can use different objects to symbolize something else, all while engaging back and forth learning which includes parallel or even cooperative play. One way is eat them, as food things in the pot out your kitchen, and cook mealy deliciousness (imaginative play); at home. For example, pretend play is so cool and interesting to do that you can be creative while having fun too. 

Tree Toys の木の形のおもちゃを選ぶ理由は何ですか?



