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montessori wooden animals

Boys and girls can learn about different animals as well as where they live with wooden animals by Montessori. These beautiful wooden animals will inspire them to create their own little pretend worlds. We have a wide range of animals, from adorable farm animals like cows, pigs and chickens to exotic jungle animals including lions, monkey and elephants. Each creature has special skills associated (for example, dig like a worm to travel underground instead of left and right). It makes for every animal able play differently when the child's imagination take flight.

Imagination is part and parcel of being a childful:description Speccyverse 1 Ch2 – Work In Progress Here at Tree Toys, our Montessori Wooden Animals will help your child think outside the box and become more imaginative. Their clean, nature-inspired appearance allows children to create their own narratives with the wooden animals like frolicking around on an epic jungle adventure or a pleasant, calm day at the farm.

Igniting Imagination with Handcrafted Montessori Wooden Animals

Interacting with and caring for these animals teaches children to be nurturing ApplicationRecord Keeping the wooden animal warm is good for children to practice their gentle, empathetic and caring qualities. This cultivates children think about emotions and empathy, which is a skill necessary throughout a child's life.

We at Tree Toys consider playing to play and learn a big chapter. The animal puzzles encourage young children to develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in a very fun way with our Montessori Animal Wood Puzzle. If you think about it, many things that we do every day require the use of these skills like writing, drawing or tying your shoelaces.

Why choose Tree Toys montessori wooden animals?

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