September is a beautiful month, it brings many good changes. The scorching summer sun starts to mellow, allowing for much nicer weather. The trees don leaves turn to bright colors and become beautiful scenery wherever you look. But there's something else September is good for That means it is time for us here at Tree Toys to put together our most popular wooden toy announcement for the year.
Our Best-Selling Wooden Toy
On to dry land, and you might be curious about the pick of this name brand month which wooden toy is our fav. We are thrilled to announce that our number 1 selling wooden play blocks toy is the Tree Toys Building Blocks set There are many bright, colorful blocks that can be built with – perfect for kids who like to build something impressive. Children arrange these blocks on top of one another to form higher ones, build their walls and even form pretend castles or towers out of their own castle. There are limitless creative and fun options to choose from.
Our Toy of the Month for September: Wooden
The Building Blocks set has also had an exciting September. It's one of our bestsellers, and we can definitely see why. We've heard from parents lately about how much their kids love to flip these blocks. A satisfied parent shared, "My children have spent hours building with the Building Blocks set. The toy blocks wooden are so creative with their designs — it’s amazing to see the different ideas they come up with.” This demonstrates how the Building Blocks set is not merely a toy; but an aid for children to exercise their imaginations and creativity
September is always one of the most exciting months at Tree Toys for us as we can announce our best-selling wooden toy blocks the Building Blocks set is the clear winner for this years prize. A toy that has been played with by thousands of children for decades and is still a favorite today. Its no-fuss design, durable materials and ability to help get kids being creative and imaginative earns it praise from parents